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Siemens ❤ Open Source

Siemens uses, maintains and contributes to Open Source.

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Open Source @ Siemens

We are focusing on a few key areas to drive forward and expand our commitment to open source.

We have set out to hold to these values with our Open Source Manifesto.

Upstream first

Upstream First

Using and contributing to open source projects helps us provide more reliable products and develop faster. The Linux kernel, Debian, Yocto, coreboot, U-Boot, SWUpdate, and many other projects, have been a large part of the Siemens embedded story - and we want to give back!

This applies not just to our products, but the tools we use to develop them. Siemens is one of the largest contributors to GitLab, which powers our self-hosted social coding platform.

Sharing Culture

Driving an Inner Source culture at Siemens helps us become better Open Source citizens.

This means following best practices from the open source world, and enabling both humans and software to work together seamlessly - with API-first thinking and development in the open.

As we do this, we can also more effectively collaborate with the larger community and bring more software to the open source world.

Open Standards

Open standards Open standards

Siemens software and products are present across the world, and stay in the field for years or decades, from industrial IoT to large infrastructure projects. They also have to interact with a number of different technologies.

We want to make them work together seamlessly by adopting and shaping open standards.

To that end, we are actively involved in the Civil Infrastructure Platform and its projects, along with many other initiatives. See our memberships for more details.

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